A new boat arrives

April 22, 2009

09-04-22 - 015

As some of you know, I’ve been looking for new boat to add to the fleet. Something different, maybe with a new purpose. My first two boats had been of the playboat/riverrunner variety and have served me well.  The first one had to find a new owner because it was just too short to fit my legs in any more. It has gratefully found a new young kayaker to play with. I still have the other one for now  that I let visiting friends use . That leaves my Fuse which is now my only playboat type boat as of now.

My new boat is a Liquid Logic Remix 47.  Their latest entry into the river running market for people my size.  I first checked it out at a vendor display that Woody and Shane were at last fall.  I was surprised that I was able to pick this boat up and carry it on my shoulder.  Even though it was twice as long as I am tall, it was very balanced and padded in just the right places to allow me comfortably carry it to the put-in. The outfitting is like nothing in any of my older boats. It’s plush and padded everywhere.  No rubbing on rough sharp edges here.

What’s it like?  How does it paddle?  Fast!  They didn’t make this one red by accident!  One stroke of the paddle and you are moving.  It has a displacement type hull so there are no edges to be grabbing unexpectedly. It reacts to commands just like you expect.  It rolls really easily.  I think that this boat may drive me towards more downriver and creek style runs in the near future.


Categories: Doings, Kayaking.

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2 Responses

  1. Cool boat. No action shots yet?

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